Curse of 9-11-2001, conspiracy and cover up of 9/11 news

2257=911  I do not want my picture taken

Chapter 1

When Donald Trump talks about draining the swamp, the swamp is real.  There is a rotten underbelly in this country as well as this world and I know about this rotten underbelly.   This world is not this world.  They covered up 9-11-2001 I know I worked on the 9-11-2001 case. One reason I started this website is I was betrayed by the cover up investigators.  I worked in the Hollywood film industry and some things happened which led me to call the FBI.  I did not know about 9-11-2001 before 9-11-2001 but I connected the dots for these criminals. My involvement with the cover up investigators was as a citizen.  I helped them immensely in the case and I am privy to many government secrets regarding these criminals.  Also, I did not swear an oath or sign an agreement to keep quiet about what I know.  When you read my story, you will find out why 9-11-2001 happened. I will make sense of 9-11-2001.

Chapter 2

The government has run news stories that serve as secret communication or what I call Bletchley Park and I can tell you about some of these stories.  9-11-2001 was not a terror attack. It was an attempted overthrow of the US government.  9-11-2001 was supposed to be the beginning of World War 3. 9-11-2001 is a follow up of World War 2. The same group of people or gang who were involved in World War 2 are actually involved in the 9-11-2001 US Government overthrow which was to bring about World War 3.  Wars are put on to get rid of many millions of people to keep the world in ecological order so the rich and powerful do not have to sit in traffic jams. Wars are also put on to create living space as well as to live in Smallville. The gang responsible for 9-11-2001 will be referred to as the Red Shirt gang.   The red shirt gang is an ancient gang that may go back to Romans.   We actually have a phony history regarding World War 2. There is a World War 2 connection to the 9-11-2001 attempted overthrow. The World War 2 connection to 9-11-2001 I am not ready to disclose right now but will be available in the book I am going to publish in the future.

Chapter 3

When Todd Beamer and others fought the hijackers, and brought down Flight 93 it was a setback to the overthrow.  I am the other big setback. After working with the cover up investigators I came to realize and learn that  there are a lot of rich powerful people that were in on the 9-11-2001 plot including some Hollywood entertainment folks, some authors, some business tycoons, some members of law enforcement, some people in the House, some people in the Senate, some people in the FBI, some people in the CIA ,some people in the  Pentagon, some people in the military, some people in the mafia, some members of the Royal Family, some people in England some people in Europe, some people in Russia, some people in Iraq, some people in Saudi Arabia.  The Red Shirt gang is also composed of the Royals from England, Europe and the world over.  We also have people in America who are so called Royals and some of these folks are in on the 9-11-2001 overthrow as well.   As you can see I am not naming names but I certainly could.  There are many people in on this overthrow.

Chapter 4

I literally saved this country by my phone call to the FBI.  My phone call led to a whole bunch of people being exposed in Hollywood and elsewhere. Many successful people got caught with their pants down scared shitless that they would be prosecuted. These people would do anything not to be prosecuted or be exposed to the general public for being part of the 9-11-2001 US government overthrow.  What I am talking about I found out and figured out much later.  What led to my phone call to the FBI was that Mohammed Atta tried to kill me before 9-11-2001.  Of course, I did not know who he was at the time. A 357 magnum is what I used to protect myself.  No shot was fired and at the time I did not call the police. I know of several powerful people that were in on the 9-11-2001 plot and I found this out while working on the investigation with the cover up investigators.  Right now, I am not ready to divulge the names of the people that were in on the plot.

Chapter 5

The monkey gang which I am about to discuss got its name from the lead cover up investigator -a white guy- who had a nickname "Curious George".  When I talked to this man I frequently called him "Curious". The cover up investigators brought foreign governments into the investigation of the Red Shirt gang.  The cover up investigators brought in The State of Israel and Australia this I know for sure. There is a reason why they brought Australia in and right now I am not ready to discuss this but the information will be in my book.  And they probably brought in India and Mexico as well but I am not positive on this.  These I know about but they probably brought in other countries as well.  The reason the cover up investigators brought in these foreign governments is because they needed help investigating the red shirt gang and surveillance of the gang was worldwide operation.  They wanted to keep this under the radar in the early days after 9-11-2001.  The cover up investigators couldn't trust some of the people they work with and had to be careful who they brought in. The red shirts had gang members scattered in all branches of law enforcement especially Federal.  So, they didn't know who they could trust.

Chapter 6

The cover up investigators decided early on that they could make trillions of dollars in blackmail and extortion worldwide and their interest was in perverting justice and stealing the red shirts narcotics business.  The cover up investigators had no intent on bringing the people involved in the 911 overthrow to justice.  When I was working with the cover up investigators I thought we were trying to save America.    I did not realize until much later that this was a big treasure hunt.   The cover up investigators formed an alliance with Negroes, Jews, cops, but also a lot of cops from most states, some Hollywood entertainers, some sports stars, some famous musicians.  The cover up investigators also formed an alliance with some members of the House, some members of the Senate, and I also believe members of the Supreme Court. Besides an alliance being formed.  Some members of the House and some members of the Senate are Monkey gang members.  Also, members of law enforcement in most states became members of the monkey gang.   Of course, the monkeys had to be very careful who they brought in and I am sure they had a screening process before a person can be a monkey gang member.

Chapter 7

Monkey gang members are criminals. They are murderers, blackmailers, framers, extortionist and as far as I am concerned the biggest gang of losers who ever walked the face of this earth. Even though I know there are a lot of cops in on this.  Not all cops are in on this.  Inspite of all the cops that are monkey gang members in most states.  The vast majority of cops in this country are not in on this.    There are many cops they didn't bother to ask because they knew this or that cop would rather drive an old car then a new car.  Would rather live in a small house instead of a big house.  Would rather stay at Motel 6 than the Hilton.  And would not sell his or her integrity at any price.    They had to form an army to take on the red shirt gang here in America because the overthrow was in full swing in.   I am not convinced any member of the US Supreme Court is a member of the monkey gang but they know about the overthrow.  And know about the monkey gang’s existence.  You have to remember when I talk about this.  Not everyone in our government is on this either from a red shirt or monkey perspective. Not all cops are in on this.  Inspite of all the cops that are monkey gang members in most states.  The vast majority of cops in this country are not in on this.

Chapter 8

I believe most members of the House, and Senate today maybe even all know about the monkey gang's existence.  Joining the monkey gang is like joining the mafia.  The red shirt gang was a secret society and secret organization worldwide.  The monkey gang is a secret society and secret organization worldwide.    One of the biggest reasons 9-11-2001 was covered up was to take control of the drugstore and create a new Mafia run by Negroes, Jews and cops.  Control over drug trafficking worldwide. The Red shirt gang controlled drug trafficking in America, Canada, Australia, Europe, Russia and certain parts of South America.  Drug trafficking in the United States is a 100 Billion dollar a year plus business from a 2004 perspective. The cover up investigators provided me with this information. The cover up investigators also provided me with information that Hollywood film productions have been laundering drug money and mob money since the 1920's and it goes on till this day. One thing I learned is everything is bullshit.  The US government is the Mardi Gras.

Chapter 9

Many people are wearing a face mask. They have their public phony face that they project. But their true self is evil and rotten.   The war on drugs has always been the phony war on drugs.  Stupid laws for stupid people.   Laws are written to create envelopes and it all started with prohibition.  The second reason they covered up 9-11-2001 was to blackmail all the people involved. A lot of successful people were involved in the 9-11-2001 overthrow.  And these people were blackmailed for thousands, millions, and billions of dollars each. Certain governments were also blackmailed for their involvement in 9-11-2001 including the US, England, Saudi Arabia, and Russia.  Iraq would have been blackmailed but we went to war with them.  The cover up of the 9-11-2001 US government overthrow led to the biggest blackmail extortion in the history of the world.  From working with the cover up investigators or you could call them monkey law enforcement and knowing what corrupt rotten human beings these people are.  I believe the monkey gang extorted in excess of 50 trillion dollars. I believe the monkey gang orchestrated the General Motors bankruptcy to line their pockets and defraud the bond holders.  Then they had the government loan money to save General Motors from bankruptcy.  President Obamas trillion-dollar stimulus that he borrowed from the Chinese.  Much of that money ended up in monkey gang members pockets. The monkeys orchestrated $4.00-gallon gas price years ago that had a Jew negro tax built into the price.  This was orchestrated to line their pockets.

Chapter 10

The cover up investigators told me one day that we have go to Iraq because Iraq is counterfeiting U.S. currency. And Iraq has US government treasury equipment as well as U.S. Treasury paper.  Which means the counterfeit money they are printing is actually bonafide US currency.  That means you would not be able to tell the difference whether the currency was printed in Iraq or the United States.  The red shirt gang planned on flooding the world with this US currency.  This is all part of the overthrow plot.  So, when we went to Iraq they really did possess weapons of mass destruction at least in regards to destroying America.  Obviously red shirt gang members in the US government provided Iraq with this equipment.  I also know the Anthrax letters are connected to the US government overthrow but this information I am not ready to disclose right now. Remember I am holding back on a lot of information.  I am providing you a picture in a general sense of the 9-11-2001 attempted overthrow.

Chapter 11

The cover up investigators provided me with a lot of information on the phony war on drugs. The cover up investigators told me that the drug store cocaine, marijuana and heroin run by the mafia is for the benefit of America's first families the white royals.  The most powerful members of the mafia are not Italian. The mafia is modeled after the Royal family in England. One of the ways the Red Shirts got drugs into America in regards to cocaine was by smuggling cocaine with coffee beans from South America. This practice may still be going on today with the monkey gang.  Once the cocaine and heroin reached America the cocaine was smuggled by Airline personnel such as pilots or personnel. And the cocaine and heroin were smuggled on board by people who had access to commercial airliners. Such as food handlers and baggage loaders would get the drugs on the plane and by pass security.  Remember airport security before 9-11-2001 was lax This is one of the ways the mafia got cocaine and heroin to their distributors in all the major cities around America and probably the world.  This practice of getting coke and heroin to distributors might still going on today with the monkey gang.   The Red shirt gang had a sure way of keeping their distributors with plenty of drugs to fill the American appetite.

Chapter 12

The Drug Enforcement Agency's job is to close down renegade drug stores that are not part of the red shirt gang.  Which obviously applies to the monkeys as well.   Once in a while a red shirt store will get busted.  But with red shirt cops scattered in all branches of law enforcement they try to keep this to a minimal. If they can red shirt cops will warn the drug kingpin.  As they did with Whitey Bulger. So, Whitey Bulger can escape justice.  The other thing the red shirt gang will do is set someone up who is trying to get into the narcotics business to get busted. It’s usually the guy at the bottom who gets busted.  The people at the top rarely get caught.  People have to get busted to maintain a picture that there really is a war on drugs.  The illegal drug business is so profitable there are always people trying to break into this business.  These are the people who get busted by the Drug Enforcement Agency.  Somebody has to get busted to maintain the phony war on drugs.  Obviously, everything I just wrote here applies to the monkeys as well.  Most of what is written here I learned from working with the cover up investigators.

Chapter 13

The Red Shirts practiced witchcraft or satanism. And one prime example that I believe points to smuggling cocaine with coffee beans into America is the Maxwell House coffee commercial with Margaret Hamilton who played the wicked witch in the 1939 movie "The Wizard of Oz".  From working with the cover up investigators I learned a lot about red shirt satanism that points to the future 9-11-2001 attempted overthrow. This red shirt satanism points to 9-11-2001 attempted overthrow many years before the 9-11-2001 attempted overthrow occurred.  I am being purposely vague about this 9-11 satanism.  But I certainly possess this information and details.  I also possess information on witchcraft satanism in regards to the monkeys.  I am privy to Red shirt satanism as well as monkey satanism. This information is a lynchpin. I will show you some examples of red shirt satanism as well as monkey satanism later on in this report.  Just remember I am holding back on a lot of other examples of red shirt Satanism as well as monkey satanism.  The witchcraft satanism that I am holding back on will be available when I sell my story or if I get involved in some legal action. The information not being disclosed can destroy many people.

Chapter 14

I am going to show you evidence in plain sight that points to a coverup.  The benefactors of the cover up are Negroes, Jews and cops.  They covered up 9-11-2001 for trillions of dollars.  The monkey gang is a rainbow coalition of scumbags.  It is an international gang with a negro dominance.   Which means more than 50% of the gang members are negroes.   Now I am going to talk about negroes and things that directly point to power that they didn't have before 9-11-2001 and the negro’s actions after 9-11-2001 that points toward power recently gained from the cover up.  Where did the negroes get their power?  Very simply they stole it. Think back before 9-11-2001. The commercials on TV were mostly white.  The newscasters were mostly white. The movies were mostly white.  One of the rewards of the 9-11-2001 cover up is Hollywood has been taken over by Negroes. Negroes make up less than 15% of our population.  But based on negro presence on the tv you would think negroes make up at least 50% of the US population.  Look at all the news casters, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, the weather channel. Negroes all over the tv.   This happened because of the 9-11 cover up.  Look at TV in general.  Game show host, talk shows, television commercials, TV sitcoms, Movies, Negroes are all over the place.  Did you watch the 2017 Emmy's with the negro disc jockey and the negro lady named Emmy who supposedly represents the award they are being given?  The negro lady named Emmy actually represents the takeover of Hollywood by negroes.  When you watch the Emmy's, Golden Globes or Oscars there usually is a speech by a negro entertainer about Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks.   Did you watch Oprah Winfrey's speech about Rosa Parks on the 2018 golden globes. From me the writer of this report to Oprah. Dear Oprah as a white person today of white priviledge bearing the guilt of my ancestors in your delusional mind I will take a seat at the back of the bus.  A steady dialogue of negro injustice. Barack Obama would never be President if it wasn’t for the 9-11 cover up.  Negroes became very powerful politically and financially because of the 9-11 cover up.

Chapter 15

What about negroes complaining about white privilege.  Like we are supposed to feel guilty about being white.  Like it is the white persons fault today about slavery and we need to make reparations to the negroes for what happened a 150 years ago.  Like the Negroes have the market cornered on injustice.  They run commercials with a white lady married to a negro and feature their kids. Hollywood makes movies promoting marriage and relationships between negroes and whites.  Like every white person should marry a Negro.  There are plenty of negroes, whites and other races that totally disagree with people of different races engaging in relationships.  The monkeys promote this.  One other thing you will notice in Hollywood movies quite often the negro is the hero.  Why because the negroes took over Hollywood. What we have going on right now is negro supremacy in America which is directly related to the 9-11 coverup.  What we got from the 9-11 cover up is discrimination against whites and all the negroes do is cry racism.

Chapter 16

The negroes want to get rid of confederate statues and even revolutionary war statues.  I saw a show on the discovery channel that featured negro roman generals telling white roman soldiers what to do.  This show dealt with a Roman invasion of England.  I cannot believe roman soldiers were commanded by negroes 2000 years age.  I also do not believe negroes were in Rome 2000 years ago in spite of Hollywood film productions.  This is an attempt to rewrite history by propping the negro over the white man.  What I just wrote about is monkey satanism. Before 9-11-2001 the negroes didn't have a problem with confederate statues and Robert E Lee or revolutionary war figures like George Washington.  Another example of monkey satanism is the phony pirates of Somalia.  These negro bandits cruise on small boats with AK 47's and take over freighters containing millions of dollars’ worth of merchandise.  Then these negro bandits want millions paid in ransom.   We cannot protect are ships.  That is a load of crap.  All it would take to protect these big steel ships is a watchman with an AK 47.  This monkey satanism is some kind of delusion and is related to the white pirate ships of the 1400's thru the early 1800's.  This also an attempt to rewrite history by propping the negro over the white man. The negroes really stand out with me for their evil in the 9-11-2001 cover up.  Even though the monkey gang is a rainbow coalition of scumbags composed of many races and creeds.  Barack Obama serves a short time in the senate and then he is in the White House. How did he get there so quickly?  He was put there by monkey gang members who supported him.  The negroes got their power by blackmail, extortion, and murder.

Chapter 17

From working with the cover up investigators I learned about a lot of murders and frame ups committed by the red shirt gang.  I learned how these pricks operate. The monkeys also committed a bunch of murders and frame ups in their quest to steal the red shirts narcotics business.  Also from working with the cover up investigators I learned about the red shirt recipe for overthrowing a government.  Part of the red shirt recipe for overthrowing a government is you have to frame people for murders they didn't commit.  I also learned about the red shirts code that they used which is part of their witchcraft and satanism that these murders and frame ups actually fall into.  This code is actually part of the recipe for overthrowing a country. I can actually show you this code.  And this code existed before the 9-11-2001 attempted overthrow.  This code is part of the pathway or road map to 9-11-2001 in the years prior to 9-11-2001.  I have to give credit to the cover up investigators for me learning this code.  I would not have figured this out had I not worked with them. The monkeys took over the code from the red shirts and the monkeys engage in murders and frame ups as well.

Chapter 18

I can actually show you some murders and frame ups committed by the monkey gang and the code connected to these murders and frame ups.  In some cases, I can explain the code and tell you why this person was framed.  With the monkey gang I know of several murder frames  that actually serve as a form of Bletchley park communication.  They use the murder frame up as a way to talk to their fellow gang members worldwide about what’s going on with their blackmail and extortion.  I also know of the murder of a famous person that was used to indicate the fate of the red shirt leader who ran the drug store and was later put to death in secret.  This famous person’s death was listed as natural causes.  But I am sure this person was murdered for communication purposes.  The monkeys operate from the same playbook that the red shirts used. The details of the murders and frame ups committed by both the red shirt gang as well as the monkey gang will be included in my future book.

Chapter 19

Unlike the negroes the jews keep a low profile when it comes to their involvement with the monkey gang.  The cover up investigators brought the State of Israel in early to help with worldwide surveillance of the red shirt gang.  The State of Israel is involved in the cover up of 9/11 and made a lot of money off it.   The State of Israel before 9-11-2001 was a poor country.  I believe the State of Israel has made many trillions in the 9-11 cover up.  The State of Israel didn't have money to chase Nazis around the world from 1948 until 2001.  The only Nazis the State of Israel got were Adolf Eichmann and John Demjanjuk.  And the reason Israel got Adolf Eichmann is because of the work of Fritz Bauer.  And in the John Demjanuk situation.  The US Government formed a special unit to track down Nazi War criminals who came to the US after World War 2 and gathered evidence.  They gave the evidence to Israel and deported John Demjanuk after stripping him of his citizenship.  They built the case along with evidence and all Israel had to do was prosecute him and he was found not guilty.  All the State of Israel did was prosecute 2 Nazis and capture 1 Nazi in all those years.  But with all the blackmail, extortion, and drug trafficking money the State of Israel has really gone after a lot of old Nazis since 9-11-2001.  Why because the State of Israel made trillions of dollars off this cover up and they are actively involved in drug trafficking.  I know the Jews in America and Israel are involved in this cover up.

Chapter 20

There is a road map of events leading up to 9-11-2001 attempted over throw that I know about.  The US government was blackmailed by the monkey gang because some people in the US government were involved in the 9-11-2001 attempted overthrow.  The atheist and God Haters got powerful off this cover up and now have a voice in the government. The cover up of 9-11-2001 led directly to gay marriage being law and illegal being legal.  Did you ever wonder why gay marriage is such an important issue with the House and Senate with all the problems this country has?  People in Hollywood who knew me know that I do not hate gays. Nor am I a racist or anti-Semitic. Gays cannot marry because they are not couples but pairs.  Gay Marriage is against what is written in the Bible.  The Bible states that marriage is between a man and woman. Why this reversal of thought in the USA and all over the world. Why the cover up of 9-11-2001. If Gays want to express their love for one another call it a partnership agreement or a pair license.

Chapter 21

President Obama signed into law, a law requiring all schools to provide transvestite toilets for school kids who think they are members of the opposite sex even though their sex organs say otherwise.  This ridiculous law would cost the school districts a ton of money to cater to mentally ill kids.  When I was kid if there were kids like this around school they kept in the closet. They knew if this came out they would get beat up after school.  This law President Obama signed is monkey satanism.  When you watch the President on TV, and this has been going on for years, they show him walking with a fire truck in the background.  Why is there a firetruck in the background?  I think this firetruck is some kind of monkey satanism.  Like the fire is out and we squashed the overthrow.  I do not ever remember seeing the President walk by a Firetruck before 9-11-2001. Another example of monkey satanism a couple of years after 9-11-2001 they redesigned the packaging of 12 packs of Coke, Pepsi, 7 up and many other sodas.  The sodas previously had a perfect design exactly like a 12 pack of Budweiser today and then they changed the design to long rectangle design that they are currently using today.  The old design was better and made carrying sodas easier.  The long rectangle design they are using today actually makes carrying sodas more difficult.  I believe this new design of sodas is monkey satanism.  The monkey gang think they are going to reinvent the wheel. Another design game the US government did at the behest of the monkeys.  They changed the design of quarters on front side you have George Washington and on the back, you have different designs that represent States.  Before 9-11-2001 the quarter had the same design going back to the thirties.  George Washington on one side and an eagle on the backside.  The only time the quarter was different was during the bicentennial.   One thing the red shirts did was around the time of the 9-11-2001 overthrow you could take a twenty-dollar bill and fold it a certain way and you have a picture of the world trade center in smoke.  This design of this twenty-dollar bill at that time is red shirt satanism and not a coincidence this is intentional.

Chapter 22

Why is illegal legal and now illegals can get driver's licenses in certain states like California.  They come here illegally and violate are laws to get here and they are rewarded with a driver’s license.  For all we know we could be giving licenses to people who drove drunk from the country they just came from.  We are giving licenses to people and we do not know who they are.  Furthermore, after they get there license they probably drive without insurance because they do not have money for it.  Why does are Government care so much about these people when they do not take care of the citizens who were born here.  When Obama was President he seemed to care more about illegals then any President prior.  Think of the cost to the US taxpayer of an illegal. Trips to the emergency room because they do not have health insurance. Educating their kids in the public-school system and hiring teachers who have to speak several languages. Welfare and food stamps to help support their families while Dad works under the table for cash.  Then the illegals are on TV demanding full citizenship after breaking the law to get here.  Then once settled in they have other family members brought here illegally to suck off the US taxpayer and are government leaders all think this is a great idea.  Then you have all these mayors of big cities offering sanctuary to illegals so they do not have to worry about deportation.  And if an illegal commits a crime the criminal justice system protects their illegal status.  Illegal immigrants getting scholarships to study at Universities.  I realize they are smart but when they get a scholarship that is scholarship that did not get rewarded to a US citizen and I do not think that is fair.  I wonder if there is any country in the world other than America that gives illegals drivers licenses.  And if I crossed over to Mexico or El Salvador illegally would they let me get a driver’s license I think not. What makes these people so special?  Monkey satanism and probably 9-11-2001 blackmail from south of the border.

Chapter 23

President Trump recently called an Obama agreement stupid where Australia sends illegal immigrants from their country here to the US and Australia agrees to take illegal immigrants from Central America. This agreement is stupid beyond belief.  I believe this is monkey satanism. Why are stupid deals like this signed into law?  Monkey business or satanism.  The US was a uniform country from 1776 until 1976 which means a country with a general population that is mostly of one domination and where the minority population is a very much a minority.  The US is no longer a uniform country.  The US is a little bit of everything.  The US is very diverside and very divided country. Diversity causes division.  People come to this country with their own customs and religious practices and are not interested in abandoning them or trading them in to become more American.  Uniform countries today are Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and many middle eastern countries, Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Mexico, El Salvador, Russia, many countries in Europe as well as many countries in Africa. I know my list of uniform countries is not complete. In fact, most countries in the world are uniform countries. Countries that are traditionally white are under threat of becoming nonuniform like England, Germany, and France.  I am going to talk later on in this report about the pitfalls of too much diversity.

Chapter 24

Uniform countries perform better because they do not have built in division.   The US preaches diversity to the world and the world is a fool to listen to this country.  The fact of the matter is most people prefer to hang around their own kind.  The Mexican small business owner only hires Mexicans.  He is not racist.  He prefers to be around people of his own kind and is being true to himself.  The Chinese guy who owns a Chinese restaurant only hires Chinese.  He is not a racist.  He prefers to be around people of his own kind.  The Arab guy who owns a store only hires Arabs to work in his store.  He is not a racist. He prefers to be around people of his own kind. The white guy owns a hamburger joint and only hires white people.  He prefers to be around people of his own kind.  He is not a racist. But according this country he must be racist because there is not enough diversity in his hamburger joint.   Diversity the great American falsehood and thank God, many countries are not listening.

Chapter 25

The monkey gang that took over this country runs commercials with the white, negro, and Asian neighbor being so friendly with each other.  The fact of the matter is that they are polite to each other and in most cases do not hang out with each other.  The white neighbor hangs out with white people but can get along with different races. The same thing applies with the negro and asian neighbors.  Obviously in some cases they do hang out with each other. These commercials are trying to brainwash us and sell us to accept diversity and multiculturalism when most people reject it. These commercials are monkey satanism.  The other thing the monkeys believe in is open borders.  More people to peddle narcotics to.  When I hear these politicians talking about their support for sanctuary cities I think they are from another planet.

Chapter 26

I was born in this country 55 years ago and this country was majority white.  This country was founded by white people.  This country was a white majority for the first 200 years from 1776 to 1976.   Knowing what I know from working this case I realize this country does not belong to the people who were born in this country. The people born in this country have no claim of ownership and have no control over the destiny of this country. This country belongs to anyone who gets here. This country belongs to the monkey gang. The blackmailers, extortionist, murderers and framers. They own and control America and pull the strings on their puppets in Washington DC.  The monkey gang does not like Donald Trump.  He is not one of their puppets.  But they have plenty of other puppets in DC.

Chapter 27

I am going to talk about illegal being legal and sanctuary cities.  I believe illegal being legal and sanctuary cities is monkey satanism directly related to the 9-11-2001 cover up.  This country is being blackmailed by many countries in the world. So many corrupt countries have leverage over us.  Furthermore, the monkey gang is an international gang of scumbags who feed off America and the world and their loyalty is to fellow gang members and not to America. When President Obama was flying around the world apologizing for US bad behavior in the past and putting out the welcome mat to anyone who can get here as well as promoting illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. President Obama was promoting monkey satanism.  The governments of Central America use America as a social solution to there problems to save money. They do not want to take of their citizens and send them to America and America the dumbshit will take care of them and give them free medical care.  The corrupt countries of Central America want to live in Smallville while we sit in traffic jams.  Most illegal immigration comes from Central America and Mexico.   The people who run these countries live in mansions.

Chapter 28

This illegal immigration is a conspiracy to steal American political power from the white people and people who were born in this country.   Illegal immigration is flat out thievery and a long-term strategy to turn this country into another Latin America. This illegal immigration is a takeover of America.  This is a take over from within. These people will soon become a majority and we will all have to learn Spanish.  I look at the politicians of the last 50 years as losers and sell outs.  If I want to see the America before the politicians destroyed it.  I turn on Turner Classic Movies or watch old tv shows from the 60's and 70's.  This country cannot add or subtract and the politicians cannot think beyond next week.  When the politicians talk about how much they love their grandchildren they are lying.  The politicians have been selling out and screwing their children and grandchildren for years.  I met a guy in Australia previously from America who told me. "I moved to Australia to get to California because California doesn't exist anymore. I understood exactly what he meant when I was at Bondi Beach and there were 1000's of people and it was 95% white. The politicians in America ruined America with their large-scale diversity experiment that they started 40 years ago.  This country has been on a downhill course towards third world living standards since World War 2.   Each generation leaves the next generation with a worse situation than the one they were born in. If there is 350 million people here now there will be a 1 billion here in 10 years.  We are in hurry to catch up with China.  Another thing the politicians love to say is” We are a nation of immigrants” so it is the politicians job to destroy our country through immigration.  What the politicians did with all this immigration of the last 40 years will lead to food shortages and much higher prices for food as we close in on 1 billion population for the America of 2027.    Americans love sitting in traffic jams.

Chapter 29

While working with the coverup investigators I learned about the red shirts mind control technology.  What this technology does is give the red shirts the ability to control a person by programming that person over time.  They install a chip in the persons nostril and this chip is wired into the persons brain with or without the person's consent.  This technology can turn a person into a human robot.  Right now, I am going to talk about this technology in a general sense and I am certainly withholding a lot of information.    When I worked with the coverup investigators they made a few mistakes and letting me know about this technology is one of them.

Chapter 30

What I am about to talk about is my opinion and the cover up investigators did not provide me with this information. But what I am about to talk about I do believe I am right.  The hijackers of the 9-11-2001 attempted overthrow probably consented to being hooked up to chips.  What this technology does is turn these guys into robots so that they will not chicken out at the last minute or blink and carry out their mission to its explosive murderous end. Now I realize the Japanese during World War 2 flew kamikaze missions so I acknowledge I could be wrong.  Getting back to talking about this technology.  I think in most cases this technology is installed in a person without their consent.

Chapter 31

How do they do this. A person goes to a doctor's office and is put to sleep and installing the chip is a secondary operation that they do not know about. But in most cases I think it happens this way.  A person goes to a party and someone slips a micky in their drink and they pass out.  So, the party host and conspirator move the person to another room to sleep it off.  So, while the party goes on. A secret operation is being carried out in the bedroom and the person is being hooked up to a chip without knowing it. Then over a period of weeks and months the person is programmed through the chip and at some time the person is ready to send out on a job and they will commit mass murder or any evil under the sun.  Remember this is my prospective on mind control technology and the coverup investigators did not provide me with this information.

Chapter 32

This is also my opinion but I believe there are a lot of events that have gone over the years since 9-11-2001 where this technology was used.  There are events that went on before 9-11-2001 where this technology was used. In my book I am going to speculate and discuss events that went on before and after 9-11-2001 where this technology was used and why it was used.  The only thing the coverup investigators provided me with was the existence of the chip and I learned about the red shirts mind control technology. The coverup investigators did not provide me with this additional speculation but I believe mind control technology using a chip has been around since the 1970's and possible earlier than this.  Some of you people reading this are going to find this mind control technology hard to believe.   Look at all the technology today apple I phones, computers, internet, satellites, spaceships. Computer technology has been around since the 1970's.

Chapter 33

Remember after the 9-11-2001 attempted overthrow they showed pictures of Osama Bin Laden and his henchmen hiding in the afghan desert with AK 47's.  From what I remember there were 20 or 30 of them waving their rifles. It looked like a cheap Hollywood production.  After my phone call to the FBI in late September or early October 2001 after seeing Mohammed Atta's picture on the TV I started working the case.  I became obsessed with the case and my other work that I did in the Hollywood film world took second place.  I believe within two weeks of my phone call to the FBI the decision to coverup the case had already been made.  The investigators learned a lot off me in regards to the identities of the red shirt gang members. They also found out the identity of the person who ran the drug store- cocaine, marijuana, and heroin-.  The person who ran the drug store I knew. But I knew this person as something else and not the person who runs the drug store.  This person was a respectable person in the community.  This person was put to death by the monkey gang in secret after the monkeys got control of the red shirts narcotics business.  There actually were several people put death in secret and two of these people were well known and you would certainly know these people if I divulged their names.  I know the identities of several people who were involved in the 9-11-2001 and these people are known as respectable people.

Chapter 34

There are a lot of rich successful people that were in on the 9-11-2001 overthrow. There are several billionaires that were in on this as well as lots of people with net worth over 50 million dollars. And these people are not just in America but spread out in the Middle East, England, Europe and elsewhere.  There are several governments that were involved in the 9-11-2001 overthrow.  And these people and countries were extorted for trillions of dollars.  I am not ready to name names.  When it comes to these people I found out they were involved while working with the coverup investigators on the case. I also know the identities of top level monkey gang members and some of the people are well known and you would know these people if I told you who they were.  Monkey gang members are the lowest of the low.   With all the murders and frameups I do not know how they can look at themselves in the mirror.

Chapter 35

As I have said before I did not know about 9-11-2001 before 9-11-2001.  Unknown to me at the time this became a treasure hunt.  When the overthrow failed they called it a terror attack. And it became known as it is today as the war on terror.  To me it is known as the phony war on terror.  With their 50 trillion-dollar extortion they have to maintain a phony war on terror just like they have to maintain their phony war on drugs.  They have to maintain a phony war on terror to protect their 50 trillion-dollar extortion and there worldwide narcotics business.  As far as I know nobody has ever called 9-11-2001 an attempted overthrow publicly. I am the biggest witness in the world to this gang of parasites-the monkey gang.  What I am about to write here. The cover up investigators did not provide me this information.   I absolutely believe I am right about what I am going to tell you about.  When you know the first part of the equation the US government overthrow. Who the participants are and their aims. And you know I am holding back on a lot of information that you the reader do not know about.  I able to anticipate and figure out the rest of the equation.  These monkey parasites are willing to murder or in their delusional mind sacrifice 1000's and 1000's of lives to hold on to the drug store and maintain their phony war on terror.

Chapter 36

The cover up investigators did not provide me with the following perspective but I certainly think I am right.  Remember again I am witholding information that supports what you are about to read.  The red shirts ran Al Qaeda and after my phone call some months later the monkeys got control of Al Qaeda.  The monkeys used Al Qaeda to continue their phony war on terror.  By 2003 Osama Bin Laden and his deputy Ayman Al Zawahiri were probably captured by the US government or agents of the monkey gang.  Then the monkey gang would have Osama Bin Laden every once in while do a video for them.  They didn't want to kill Osama Bin Laden after they captured him.  The monkey gang used him as a puppet to wave once in a while.  The monkey gang shot the videos of Osama Bin Laden that would show up periodically on the tv as part of their campaign on the phony war on terror.  They also wave their puppet Ayman Al Zawahiri once in a while in a video.  When Osama Bin Laden was supposedly captured. They decided after waving puppet "Bin Laden” for several years it was time to get rid of him.  They knew where he was so they staged their phony raid to kill him.  Some of the people involved in the raid may not have known they were participating in a charade.    Bin Laden had to be killed because he knew too much and he served his purpose as a puppet.  America needed a victory in their phony war on terror and killing Bin Laden would make everyone feel good and President Obama would win some browny points with the voters.

Chapter 37

Because of my phone call after 9-11-2001.  They knew the whole upper management of the red shirt gang in America as well as world.  The people above Bin Laden in the red shirt gang would have told the monkeys where he was hiding out.  Bin Laden was down a notch or two from the top maybe further than that.   The monkey gang then created ISIS to maintain their phony war on terror.  The monkeys create websites to recruit people to join ISIS and Al Qaeda.  And the puppets in ISIS as well as Al Qaeda continue to fight their phony war on terror. I think Islamic extremism for the most part is monkey business. There is another angle to all this mass murder and so called "terrorism" that I am not telling you about. I know you people reading this are going to find this hard to believe but I certainly think I am right.  They do all this to protect their 50 trillion-dollar extortion and worldwide drug trafficking business.  They also do this to make sure everyone looks at 9-11-2001 as a terror attack and not what it really was an overthrow.  The monkey gang hook people up to chips and program these people to orchestrate mass murder on the streets of Europe, America, Middle East and the world over to protect their cover up and maintain a picture on their phony war on terror.  I learned a lot from working with the cover up investigators and I am only providing a general picture here.

Chapter 38

The big rip off because of my phone call to the FBI they found out the identity of the person who runs the drug store.  The marijuana, cocaine and heroin business.  As I said before I knew this guy as someone else and someone known to be respected in the community in which he lived.  This guy was never supposed to get caught and politically speaking his connections went very high.   This guy had more power than the President of the United States.  This person was probably worth many trillions of dollars and was the richest man in the whole world.  This person held the position of "Boss of bosses for more than 50 years. This person inherited his position from his father who I believe created La Cosa Nostra.  This guy and his gang built Hollywood and funded and laundered the gang’s money through Hollywood productions.  This guy and his gang built Las Vegas.  This guy and his gang built many successful business's.  Because of my phone call and their discovery of who this person is. The monkey gang was able to steal all his wealth and a lot of his gang’s wealth.  And we are talking about wealth going back to prohibition when the "Mafia" was created so we are talking about 80 years of wealth.  Many trillions. And then you have the wealth from Europe, The Middle East, England, Europe, Australia, Canada, and South America.

Chapter 39

This is why Gay marriage, illegal being legal, transvestite toilets in schools, sanctuary cities, giving driver's licenses to illegals, and not displaying the "Cross" are such important issues with our politicians in Washington DC and negroes are all over the tv set. This information I was able to figure out on my own and I certainly think I am right from working with the cover up investigators. The cover up investigators lusted for his power and wealth and were probably foaming at the mouth with horns popping out of their head when they discovered who this person was and within two weeks of my phone call this became a treasure hunt.  I also believe this person was "Boss of Bosses worldwide.  It’s because of the cover up investigators I found out this guy runs the drug store and is the "Boss of Bosses from a La Cosa Nostra perspective.   The cover up investigators didn't actually tell me this directly but I was able to figure it out.  The cover up investigators gave me 800 to a 1000 pages of information on how the "Mafia" ran the drug store.   Conclusions that I figured out based on their information and my own thoughts is this. The drug store itself is run like a secret service operation.  The Italians did the selling while the most powerful members were the distributors- non-Italians- who supplied the coke, heroin, and marijuana to the Italian Mafia families.

Chapter 40

Many people in Law Enforcement have been involved with the drug trade in regards to the Mafia.  The same thing applies with the Monkey gang as well.  Also because of my phone call to the FBI shortly after 9-11-2001 they discovered the whole upper management of the red shirt gang in America as well as the world. As far as I know nobody was arrested.  What I am talking about I figured out much later.  Because this was a treasure hunt.  This became a blackmail, murder and extortion game.   The monkey investigators first had to figure out how they were going to steal the drugstore from the red shirt gang.  So, the monkey gang in the years following 9-11-2001 engaged in murder, extortion, blackmail, and framing people in their quest to take over the red shirts narcotics business.

Chapter 41

Many people were framed by using chip technology to turn these people into robots and then program these individuals to terrible things.  And in some cases, they program a person not to kill a person.  Instead they program that person straight into a murder frame.  The cover up investigators did not tell me these people were framed or anything like that.  It is because I understand the code that I am able to figure out that this or that person was framed and why this person was framed.  There are a whole lot of criminal cases that I am very suspicious of.  You have to remember I learned the code from working with the cover up investigators.   These cover up investigators did not share any information with me in regards to people I believed they framed nor did they ever admit that they engage in this behavior.  I started working the 9-11-2001 case shortly after the attempted overthrow occurred. There are a lot of things I learned on my own from working with the cover up investigators and they did not provide me this information.

Chapter 42

For the first couple of years after 9-11-2001 I thought we were trying to save America. I did not know these cover up investigators were on a treasure hunt.  For instance, I did not find out until 2003 that this person I knew as a respectable person actually was the owner of the drug store and Boss of bosses from a La Cosa Nostra perspective.  This guy the boss of bosses was taken into custody by monkey investigators in late March 2004.  I saw this guy  in Los Angeles.   The cover up investigators brought this guy to me for a very brief moment.   I saw the Boss of bosses in an LA courtroom at night in what I would characterize as monkey court or total bullshit.  He was executed not long after I saw him in that courtroom. I am sure there is no transcription of this court hearing in existence.  I am also holding back on a lot of information regarding this court hearing.

Chapter 43

What I am going to tell you about right now the cover up investigators or monkey investigators did not provide me with any of this information. As far as I know the boss of bosses never went to an official jail and was kept at a monkey gang members house and interrogated.  I also believe he was tortured.  The monkey investigators wanted to know everything this guy knew.  The Boss of bosses was interrogated and tortured between March and June 2004 when he was executed in private and probably in front of a bunch of monkey gang members. Sometime between March and June 2004 the monkeys got complete control of the red shirts narcotics business.  My work with these scumbags on this case stopped during this time period.  I am the biggest loose end in the history of the world.   I figured out a lot of things in regards to this overthrow in the years after 2004.  The cover up investigators could have arrested the Boss of bosses in 2001 but chose not to because they were on a treasure hunt.  Many people involved in the 9-11-2001 attempted overthrow who have equal guilt with Osama Bin Laden and Khalid Sheik Mohammed bought their freedom and also held onto their dignity with huge payoffs.   As far as I am concerned Khalid Sheik Mohammed and all participants in the 9-11-2001 overthrow should be set free.   The cover up freedom others paid for should apply to them as well.

Chapter 44

As I said earlier the politicians of America ruined America with their large-scale experiment on diversity.  This country was a uniform country for the first 200 years from 1776 to 1976.  This country had a white majority. Now this country is a little bit of everything.  Now many people reading my story think I am a racist.  As far as I am concerned I am not a racist.  I get along with people of all races and creeds when I am out and about but when it comes to who I hang out with I prefer my own kind white people. I prefer people with a European ancestry like English, German, French or Italians.  Like the white settlers who founded America over 300 years ago.  I am not against diversity.  I just think this country has too much diversity.

Chapter 45

I traveled to Australia many times over the years.  The one thing I liked about Australia is that it reminded me of the America of my youth 45 years ago before the politicians destroyed America with their large-scale diversity experiment.  I would go to a beach in Sydney and there would be 1000's of people at the beach and it was a vast majority white.  I found the lack of diversity at Bondi Beach very appealing. I found the lack of diversity all around Australia very appealing. I am not a racist I just prefer to be around my own kind.   There is diversity in Australia but the diversity is very much a minority.  Australia today is probably 90% white.  I go to Venice Beach in California.  There is a lot of diversity.  I feel like I am in a foreign country when I visit Venice beach.  It sure isn't like those "Gidget" movies from the 60's.  If you want to find "Gidget" you will have to go to Australia.    I prefer any Australian beach over any beach in California.

Chapter 46

The Negro American travels to Africa and goes to the beach and it is all Negroes.  The Negro finds the lack of diversity at the beach pleasant.  He is not a racist.  He prefers to be around his own kind. He finds the beaches in Africa nicer than California beaches. The Japanese American travels to Japan and goes to the beach and it is all Japanese.  The Japanese American finds the lack of diversity very pleasant.  He is not a racist.  He thinks the beaches in Japan are nicer than California Beaches.  He prefers to be around his own kind.   The Mexicans and central Americans visit Venice beach and find it pretty nice.  Not quite as nice as the beaches in El Salvador.  The only problem with Venice Beach are the foreigners speaking English. But hey the Mexicans and central Americans prefer to be around their own kind so Venice beach is pretty nice.

Chapter 47

Traditional white countries are being sold on the great American falsehood "diversity".  Take in people from all over the world.  While the countries these immigrants or refugees come from are uniform countries.  Later on, the Immigrant settles in America or Germany for example. Then these people can travel back to their uniform countries and enjoy a lack of diversity.   The country they settled in becomes so diverse and divided the people who were born there feel like they live in a foreign country.  And if you take in a large-scale number of refugees this can lead to a takeover of the country from within and change a country completely from its original form like what is going on here in America. While the traditional white countries and their cultures are being destroyed by their stupid politicians who are brain dead and cannot think beyond next week.   So, all traditional white countries will end up like America.  A diversified divided country.  Unless these traditional white countries change course.

Chapter 48

The other thing that is happening in America is Hollywood promoting that all white ladies and vice versa should marry negroes and other races.  They run their tv shows and commercials which is monkey gang propaganda that promote negro/white relationships.  It seems to me of all the races Negroes want to form relationships with different races and have children with them the most.   And since the negroes took over Hollywood they use Hollywood to influence the other races especially whites.   When you look at the TV garbage coming out of Hollywood you know Hollywood is run by negroes.  If you examine TV shows before 9-11-2001.  Hollywood is not promoting negro white marriage.  But in the years after 9-11-2001 you will see the monkey agenda such as gay marriage and negro white marriage and relationships in Hollywood films.   Several generations from now most people in America will be members of several different races.  And as the generations go on diversity will be fewer and far between because most people born will be multi-racial.  The population of the white race will get smaller and smaller. The future traditional American will have on their birth certificate Caucasian,  negro, asian, arab, latino .  The future American will be a little of everything just like the composition of America today. This is what Hollywood promotes and this is what the monkeys want.

Chapter 49

A country with a lot of diversity will have a lot of political correctness.  Political correctness is a byproduct of diversity.  People do not want to offend their neighbors who they do not hang out with so they engage in political correctness.  Nobody wants to offend anyone and everyone wants to fit in with the majority of political correct   people. This applies everywhere uniform or not uniform. In general most people want to flow with the stream and not make waves.  These people are followers and not leaders which is most people.  Many people are influenced by the propaganda which spews out over the tv with monkey tv commercials and monkey shows that promote monkey agenda like all white ladies should engage in interracial relationships with people of different of races.     Many people buy into this agenda.  They think dating and marrying people of a different race is being modern even though their parents object.  Just think of all the negro sports athletes making many millions per year and their white wives and girlfriends.  I am sure there are many negro women out there that do not like what they see.  Many people of the different races do not want their sons and daughters marrying a person of a different race or color in spite of the monkey propaganda on tv commercials as well tv shows that promote monkey agenda. Most people are blind to what is really going on around them.  These people engage in  political correctness to fit in with the politically correct crowd.

Chapter 50

In a uniform country the problem of political correctness is diminished because most people are on the same wave length.  In a country like America with a lot of diversity there is a lot of built in division.  So, the uniform countries take advantage of the built-in diversity and division.  So, while we deal with how many negroes and Mexicans we hire at the post office.  Whites need not apply. The uniform countries like China, Japan, and Mexico kick the shit out of us because they are the on the same wave length and their post office is uniform just like all their businesses private as well as government.  Public policy in creating jobs and competing uniform countries have an edge.  As our government leaders preach we are a nation of immigrants so we need to take in more immigrants from all over the world primarily from nonwhite uniform countries.  The uniform countries like China, Mexico and Japan take in very few immigrants and focus on job creation and taking care of their native-born sons and daughters.

Chapter 51

America the dumbshit focuses on creating more diversity and more division by creating more nonwhite citizens with their large-scale immigration each year.  This in turn leads to more government spending on educating and providing housing for all the new citizens.   This immigration is taking political power away from families who have lived in America for many decades and centuries.  Creating all these new citizens cost a lot of money and America the dumbshit doesn’t have the money so we just borrow, borrow and borrow.   The National debt doubled in the last 8 years under President Obama.  Some of this debt is caused by creating new citizens.   So, while uniform countries are not in debt and the populations are on the same wave length.  America the dumbshit is a sinking ship of debt and we better all buy gold.  We cannot even take care of our own citizens and yet are politicians want more and more immigration.  While the uniform countries like Japan, China and Mexico probably do not take a lot of immigrants unless they are multimillionaires.  I look at all this immigration and our politicians pushing for more as monkey business.

Chapter 52

So, while we fight are phony war on terror and stand in long lines of security at airports and take our shoes off.   The US government is bringing in more and more people in from nonwhite uniform countries who we do not know much about.  What I am writing here is my own opinion. The politicians intend on transforming this country with their crazy immigration while the monkey gang pulls the puppet strings into the image the monkeys desire. The white people and people who have lived in America for many decades are going to lose their power because the politicians are handing the power over to people who immigrant here legally or illegally from nonwhite uniform countries. The politicians in DC continue to chant "we are a nation of immigrants” or "I love my grandchildren” The politicians guided by the monkey strings attached to the them will take this country down a path towards a population of 1 Billion Americans in 10 years with food shortages, high rent, 50 lane freeways and transvestite toilets for their grandchildren to use when they go to school all in the name of freedom and freedom of choice.  This story that does not name names is far from being finished.  I will be writing more chapters in near future.  When you see page 2 on website you know there are new chapters being added.

Email instructions for Readers, Lawyers,and Media

Before I get started here I want people to know the administrator James O'Brien who owns this website screens all correspondence and will pass on information to me if he thinks I would be interested.  You may contact him  Tracking this person down will not lead to me.  This person is loyal to me and will keep quiet.  This person will not reveal my identity without my ok. I am constantly updating this website and I have a lot more to say.  The World War 2 connection and other aspects of the 9-11-2001 overthrow that I have not written about thus far.  There are more things to write about regarding this 9/11 situation that I will be writing about in the future.  This 9/11situation still effects us today.  Did you ever wonder why DACA or the dreamers are so important.  Why are illegals so important to our politicians. Why monkey business. If you are a reader of this website and have something to say to me I am interested in hearing your opinion.  But before I answer you I have to verify who you are.  I would think probably through the internet. You have to have credentials and I have to be able to prove who you are.  When it comes to lawyers.  Because this case is racial and God knows I am not a racist.  But because white people in America are suffering reverse discrimination and American citizens are being sold out by there brain dead politicians.   I am looking for a group of lawyers to take on the monkey gang.  I am going to tell you right now this case is dangerous.  Any lawyer that wants to work for me must be lily white with a German, Irish, English, Italian, French, Polish, Russian, heritage like the American settlers who founded this country 300 years ago.  I cannot accept a lawyer who is Jewish because of the State of Israel's involvement and God Knows I am  not antisemitic.  If you are Jewish you will have a conflict of interest in this case.  The terms of working this case is follows.  50% of the first 10 Billion dollars we split evenly.  20% there after no matter how much we collect.   Remember if you want a response from me I have to be able to prove who you are. You have to be able to prove who you are in your correspondence. This case is going to require an army of lawyers. Also if you are a newspaper or book publisher I have a story for sale.  I want a 10 million dollar advance and percentage of profits. I am only interested in big money when it comes to my story.  My identity is to be remain private and unknown in any newspaper, magazine or book deal.  I will be known as Joe Batters and not my real identity.      Sincerely Joe Batters